Tag: cyberattack
Cyberattack disrupts Michigan’s largest county
Tags: cyberattackFirst seen on scworld.com Jump to article: www.scworld.com/brief/cyberattack-disrupts-michigans-largest-county
Cyberattack Disrupts Michigan’s Largest County
Tags: cyberattackFirst seen on scworld.com Jump to article: www.scworld.com/brief/cyberattack-disrupts-michigans-largest-county
Warum manche Cyber-Angriffe sogar Vorteile haben
First seen on t3n.de Jump to article: t3n.de/magazin/cyber-angriffe-vorteile-252794/
Outlast game development delayed after Red Barrels cyberattack
Tags: cyberattackCanadian video game developer Red Barrels is warning that the development of its Outlast games will likely be delayed after the company suffered a cyberattack impacting its internal IT systems and data. First seen on bleepingcomputer.com Jump to article: www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/outlast-game-development-delayed-after-red-barrels-cyberattack/
Nicht weniger, sondern mehr Cloud Security ist notwendig – Wenige Angriffe auf die Cloud: Wird mit der Cloud-Sicherheit übertrieben?
First seen on security-insider.de Jump to article: www.security-insider.de/effektive-cloud-sicherheit-im-unternehmensumfeld-a-deb709a909af4f0c1352554cf4278c51/
Iranian APT Facilitating Remote Access To Target Networks
As per recent reports, an Iranian Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) hacker is now playing a facilitator role in aiding remote access to target networks. The Iranian APT hacker is believed to have affiliations with the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS). In this article, we’ll dive into these Middle East cyberattacks and uncover all the……
Microsoft, DOJ Dismantle Domains Used by Russian FSB-Linked Hacking Group
Microsoft and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) have successfully dismantled a network of domains a Russian hacking group linked to the Federal Security Service (FSB) uses. This collaborative effort is critical in countering cyber threats targeting democratic institutions worldwide. Seizing Domains to Disrupt Cyberattacks In coordination with the DOJ, Microsoft’s Digital Crimes Unit (DCU)…
Schutz kritischer Infrastrukturen – Lagezentrum soll Cyberangriffe auf Wasserwirtschaft abwehren
Tags: cyberattackFirst seen on security-insider.de Jump to article: www.security-insider.de/cybersec-wasser-zentrum-startet-nrw-a-ee7b1e21842b3850f0354b19dadc87c2/
Der verschmähte Ransomware-Whistleblower
Die Stadtverwaltung von Columbus im US-Bundesstaat Ohio demonstriert eindrücklich, wie man nicht mit einem Ransomware-Angriff umgeht. First seen on csoonline.com Jump to article: www.csoonline.com/de/a/der-verschmaehte-ransomware-whistleblower
Cloudflare Sets New Standard by Auto-Mitigating Record-Breaking 3.8 Tbps DDoS Attack
In a world where cyberattacks grow in size and sophistication, Cloudflare has once again proven the power of its autonomous defenses by successfully mitigating the largest Distributed Denial of Service... First seen on securityonline.info Jump to article: securityonline.info/cloudflare-sets-new-standard-by-auto-mitigating-record-breaking-3-8-tbps-ddos-attack/
Detroit-area government services impacted by cyberattack
First seen on therecord.media Jump to article: therecord.media/detroit-wayne-county-services-impacted-cyberattack
Thailändische Regierung von neuem APT CeranaKeeper angegriffen
Bei Angriffen auf thailändische Behörden erbeuteten Cyberkriminelle Daten, indem sie verschlüsselte Dateien zu Filesharing-Diensten hochluden. First seen on heise.de Jump to article: www.heise.de/news/Neue-APT-Gruppe-CeranaKeeper-missbraucht-Dropbox-und-Github-9961562.html
Niederlande – Hacker sollen Daten aller 65.000 Polizisten gestohlen haben ‘Das ist sehr gefährlich”
In den Niederlanden sollen bei einer Cyberattacke die Kontaktdaten aller rund 65.000 Polizisten in die Hände eines ausländischen Staates geraten sein. ‘Höchstwahrscheinlich steckt Russland oder China dahinter”, so Korrespondent Helmut Hetzel. First seen on welt.de Jump to article: www.welt.de/politik/ausland/video253830568/Niederlande-Cyberangriff-Hacker-sollen-Daten-aller-65-000-Polizisten-gestohlen-haben-Das-ist-sehr-gefaehrlich.html
Sniper Dz PhaaS Platform Increasingly Used in Cyberattacks
Tags: cyberattackFirst seen on scworld.com Jump to article: www.scworld.com/brief/sniper-dz-phaas-platform-increasingly-used-in-cyberattacks
Sniper Dz PhaaS platform extensively leveraged in cyberattacks
Tags: cyberattackFirst seen on scworld.com Jump to article: www.scworld.com/brief/sniper-dz-phaas-platform-extensively-leveraged-in-cyberattacks
Significant global cyberattacks poised to soar
First seen on scworld.com Jump to article: www.scworld.com/brief/significant-global-cyberattacks-poised-to-soar
AMI UEFI BIOS Aptio V angreifbar – BIOS-Schwachstellen ermöglichen Angriffe auf Dell-Computer
First seen on security-insider.de Jump to article: www.security-insider.de/-dell-bios-schwachstellen-updates-a-17ad3f66c589bd536a0b28fef34634bb/
Veeam stoppt Cyber-Bedrohungen und -Angreifer mit proaktiver Threat-Analyse
Veeam Software gab während dem die Erweiterung der Veeam-Data-Platform um den neuen Veeam-Recon-Scanner bekannt. Diese innovative Technologie, die von Coveware by Veeam entwickelt wurde, basiert auf jahrelanger Erfahrung in der Reaktion auf Cyber-Extortion-Vorfälle und der weltweit größten Datenbank für Cyber-Vorfälle. Der Veeam-Recon-Scanner wurde entwickelt, um Cyberangriffe proaktiv zu identifizieren, zu klassifizieren […] First seen on…
Sicherheit: Datenabflüsse bei Cyberangriffen
Nach einem Cyberangriff auf eine Klinik in Bad Wildungen im August 2024 sind nun Daten im Darknet aufgetaucht. Auch bei der niederländischen Polizei gab es einen Datenabfluss nach einem Cyberangriff. Hier einige Informationen über Sicherheitsvorfälle der letzten Tage und Wochen … First seen on borncity.com Jump to article: www.borncity.com/blog/2024/10/02/sicherheit-datenabfluesse-bei-cyberangriffen/
Zimbra: Codeschmuggel-Lücke wird angegriffen
In der Kollaborationssoftware Zimbra klafft eine Sicherheitslücke, die Angreifer bereits aktiv missbrauchen. Admins sollten zügig updaten. First seen on heise.de Jump to article: www.heise.de/news/Zimbra-Codeschmuggel-Luecke-wird-angegriffen-9960105.html
Cyberangriff auf ein Krankenhaus in Texas, USA
2 West Texas healthcare systems impacted by IT outage, 1 confirmed ransomware attack First seen on eu.lubbockonline.com Jump to article: eu.lubbockonline.com/story/news/healthcare/2024/10/01/ransomware-attack-it-outage-reaches-day-6-in-west-texas-hospitals-umc-texas-tech-hsc-lubbock/75470046007/
Cyberangriff auf Jugendherbergen in Deutschland
Deutsches Jugendherbergswerk bestätigt Datenschutzvorfall First seen on heise.de Jump to article: www.heise.de/news/Jugendherbergen-offenbar-Opfer-von-Ransomware-Bande-Hunters-9938226.html
Cyberangriff auf ein Krankenhaus auf Hawaii
Tags: cyberattackCommunity Clinic of Maui says 123,000 affected by May cyberattack First seen on therecord.media Jump to article: therecord.media/community-clinic-maui-data-breach
Evil Corp Protected by Ex-Senior FSB Official, Police Say
UK National Crime Agency Details Kremlin-Cybercrime Connection. Russian intelligence agencies tasked the notorious Russian-speaking cybercrime syndicate Evil Corp with conducting cyberattacks and cyberespionage operations on behalf of the Russian government, British police said Tuesday. Evil Corp has stolen at least $100 million from victims. First seen on govinfosecurity.com Jump to article: www.govinfosecurity.com/evil-corp-protected-by-ex-senior-fsb-official-police-say-a-26424
2 Calif. Medical Groups Split Citing Cyberattack Dispute
Breakup Spotlights How Some Relationships Can Crumble After Attack, Investigation. California-based Graybill Medical Group physicians’ practice says it’s splitting up with its affiliate practice, Palomar Medical Group, which handles a variety of management services, because the firm allegedly provided an inadequate response to a cyberattack detected in May. First seen on govinfosecurity.com Jump to article:…
Cyberattack disrupts Agence France-Presse’s IT systems
Tags: cyberattackFirst seen on scworld.com Jump to article: www.scworld.com/brief/cyberattack-disrupts-agence-france-presses-it-systems
Evil Corp Protected by High-Ranking FSB Official, Police Say
UK National Crime Agency Details Kremlin-Cybercrime Connection. Russian intelligence agencies tasked the notorious Russian-speaking cybercrime syndicate Evil Corp with conducting cyberattacks and cyberespionage operations on behalf of the Russian government, British police said Tuesday. Evil Corp has stolen at least $100 million from victims. First seen on govinfosecurity.com Jump to article: www.govinfosecurity.com/evil-corp-protected-by-high-ranking-fsb-official-police-say-a-26424
Community Clinic of Maui says 123,000 affected by May cyberattack
Tags: cyberattackFirst seen on therecord.media Jump to article: therecord.media/community-clinic-maui-data-breach
UAE, Saudi Arabia Become Plum Cyberattack Targets
Hacktivism-related DDoS attacks have risen 70% in the region, most often targeting the public sector, while stolen data and access offers dominate the Dark Web. First seen on darkreading.com Jump to article: www.darkreading.com/cyberattacks-data-breaches/uae-saudi-arabia-cyberattack-targets